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For The Gift Of Diversity In The Church

For the Gift of Diversity in the Church

Unity in Diversity

In his prayer intention for January, Pope Francis calls on Christians to embrace the diversity of charisms within the Church. He prays that the Holy Spirit will help us to recognize the gifts that each person brings to the community, and to see how these gifts can enrich us all.

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention

"For the gift of diversity in the Church: We pray that the Holy Spirit may help us to recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian community and to welcome our brothers and sisters with their different gifts and backgrounds, so that, together, we may be witnesses of the beauty of our unity in diversity."

The Importance of Diversity

Diversity is a gift from God, and it is an essential part of the Church. The Church is made up of people from all walks of life, with different cultures, languages, and experiences. This diversity is a source of strength for the Church, and it allows us to better serve the world.

When we embrace diversity, we open ourselves up to the possibility of learning from others. We can learn about different cultures, different ways of thinking, and different ways of living. This can help us to grow as individuals and as a community.

Overcoming Division

Unfortunately, diversity can also be a source of division. We may be tempted to judge others who are different from us, or to exclude them from our community. This is a temptation that we must resist.

Pope Francis reminds us that we are all called to be witnesses of the beauty of our unity in diversity. This means that we must work to overcome division and to build bridges between different groups of people.


The gift of diversity is a precious gift from God. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will help us to recognize this gift and to embrace it. Together, let us build a Church that is truly diverse and inclusive, where everyone is welcome and where everyone feels valued.
